
Hi name is Katie and I’m a teacher here at Hot Yoga Naperville.

Today we will be learning how to do bridge posture and full wheel. Make sure before you come into any back bends that you’re nice and warmed up through the hips and through the shoulders. Do some shoulder exercises and hip exercises to open up the front side of the hip flexor muscles.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi5FhuwZ1mk[/embedyt]

Lay down on your back and walk your heels in so that your middle finger is able to touch the back of your heel. Have your feet and your knees hip width distance. Tuck your scapula underneath your back. Tuck your chin into your chest. Exhale through your nose. Push through your heels to lift your hips up. And once you get up shift your scapula underneath your body. You really want to get that external rotation of the shoulders. Bringing your chest up towards you and you want to lengthen the back of the neck through the base of the skull.

This can be a scary posture because you’re bringing your gaze upside down. This is also a big chest opener too. So coming on to the crown of the head is a good way to start too. When you feel like you’ve got enough stability, walk your heels in a little bit closer. Push through your palms through your heels to lift and press your hips up even more. You want to be able to drop your head. If you want to get deeper into the posture, take the gaze forward a little walk you hands back towards your heels. Move your scapula towards each other and draw the creases of your elbows towards each other. When you come down tuck the chin into the chest as you round all the way down.

Thank you for watching.